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How does the Partner Program work?

Programa-de-Partners-SmartMan. 1. Invite customers to use Smartman.Al. 2. Receive Money. 3. Monthly payment.

1. Motivate customers to use SmartMan.AI

Become a partner and encourage your customers to register with SmartMan.AI.

2. Receive Money

Once your customer pays for a SmartMan account, you will earn between 15% and 30% for as long as the account remains in good standing.

3. Monthly fee

We pay for the duration of the contract. If the referring client pays for SmartMan.AI every month for the duration of the client’s stay on the platform.

Who should register?

The partner program is open to anyone who recommends and uses SmartMan.AI to help their customers deliver better product experiences.
Ideally, you have a group of customers or an audience that needs a solution like SmartMan.AI.

How to register?

Enter your data in: Partners form  

Start registering potential opportunities /customers: Prospective Customer Form


  • Partners Program
  • Terms and Conditions – Partners

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