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Empower your online store with Visual Merchandising for eCommerce!

Optimize the presentation of your products strategically and boost your sales. Discover how intelligently displaying your products in your eCommerce store can make all the difference.

Make your customers fall in love with what they see and increase your conversions today!


Smartman app, navegación por sección Smart collections,

Discover the
Smart Collections!

Boost your user experience with the versatility of our Smart Collections. Create, modify and update your collections intuitively and efficiently. Customize the ordering of products according to your preferences and let our product recommendations perfect the shopping experience for your customers.

Optimize your online store and take product presentation to the next level!

Smart Categories

Optimize your store navigation with our advanced smart categorization tools. With our product sorting features, you can offer your customers a smoother and more personalized shopping experience. And with category and brand ranking, you can highlight the products and brands that are most relevant to your audience.

Power your online store and take product organization to the next level.

Smartman app, navegación por sección Smart categories,

Product Sorting
and Filtering:

Manual Sorting: Customize the arrangement of your products.

Advanced Product Filtering: Refine your results according to your specific needs.

Product Labels: Organize and highlight your products with customized labels.

Default and Custom Campaigns: Power your marketing strategies with predefined campaigns for specific seasons or promotions.

Smart Score - AI

Let the artificial intelligence take care of the magic ordering. Automatically optimize the presentation of your products to keep your store always up to date and relevant.


"SmartMan has helped us to easily and quickly organize the products in my store, increasing sales of promoted products and allowing us to better manage inventory."

Lorena Jaramillo

"SmartMan is an innovative project tailored to our needs. It organizes our stores in a much faster and more customer-focused way".

Juan Felipe Prada Suárez Professional Back e-Commerce of ESTUDIO DE MODA SAS

"SmartMan nos permite un mejor posicionamiento de productos que tenemos en nuestras colecciones".

Sergio Luis Beleño Thermos Colombia Web Developer

"The best thing about SmartMan is that its interface is very user-friendly and easy to manage to organize our eCommerce products."

Andrea Galarza GO Pet Commercial Director

"The best thing about SmarMan is that I can order the store in just 5 minutes."

Alejandro Cifuentes Marketing Director of Prochampions

Discover SmartMan.AI, the solution that creates strategic visual merchandising experiences!

Optimize the products organization of your store in an agile way.

Custom combination of sort criteria by: inventory, inventory curve, brand, release date, unit sales, product views, and PDP visits.

Elevate your visual merchandising strategy with SmartMan.AI and create fascinating shopping experiences for your customers!

Experience the magic of automatic daily, monthly or weekly product ordering.

Frequently Asked Questions​

Visual store display is a term used in retail to describe the art and science of developing the floor plans and multidimensional presentation of products in the store.

In the digital space, for ecommerce stores we can think of category navigation as the store layouts, and multidimensional presentation as the dynamic way of selecting products that changes according to specific conditions.

To integrate SmartMan with VTEX or Shopify, you need administrative access to your VTEX or Shopify account and an active SmartMan account. You must obtain and configure VTEX API credentials, such as the application ID and shared secret, in the SmartMan platform.

Be sure to follow the instructions provided by SmartMan to complete the integration successfully. If you need additional help, contact SmartMan technical support.

You can receive support through our online chat, available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm, Colombia time. You can also request assistance by sending an email to [email protected].

You do not need advanced technical knowledge to install SmartMan. Installation and configuration is usually straightforward and guided, and SmartMan’ s technical support team is available to help you in case you encounter any problems. However, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of how to generate your platform credentials and follow the instructions provided by SmartMan for a successful installation.

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to our sales team?

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Smart Sorting for eCommerce stores


The Buyer

Suppose a shirt shopper enters an online store like GAP ( and upon entering the store you find more than 250 products.

Will he/she browse all the pages of the category until he/she sees all the products? NO.

Will he/she visit every product? NO.

Most users are NOT expert shoppers, in general they will end up absorbed by the images on the Category Page (PLP), and will forget the use of filters and sorting, and even if they do, the filtering and sorting functionalities will quickly disappear.

Some more experienced users will choose size or brand filters to reduce the number of options, but in many cases the number of products will still be very large.

The reality

When reviewing user navigation statistics, several interesting behaviors can be seen:

Navigation is not deep in the PLP.

In general users do not go beyond the first page of the PLP, some will go to the second and third pages, but very few continue to the next pages.

Top Selling Products

The best-selling products almost without exception are those in the first 10 to 12 positions. And this is not surprising, because it is similar to what happens in a physical store, “what is shown is what sells”.

Problems with the basic ordering

Best Sellers
Suppose that the criteria selected for the ordering of the category is the Most Sold, this will begin to generate that the products in the first positions are the most viewed and therefore continue to sell more and that the products that are below or on the following pages have less visibility and for this reason sell less, thus perpetuating the cycle, If on the contrary I would like to order the least sold at the top to help their rotation, the good products that are in the first positions will now move to the bottom and decrease their sales.

What’s New – Newest
If the selected ordering is that of the newest products, in order to promote them and make them sell more, the consequence will be that some of the currently best-selling products that have already been in the market for some time, will be sold at the bottom of the cycle.

Some implications

As a consequence of this we see that the better the products at the top of the PLP, the better the sales of the store and in turn if the products in the top positions are not eye-catching or interesting to the users, they will not go on to explore more products in the category and will probably leave the store.

The ordering of the products determines which products should be placed at the top or the bottom of the PLP.

Hence the importance of using a good product ordering method that is aligned with the store’s business strategy and displays the best products at the top of the PLP, creating a good user experience and maximizing the store’s objectives.

What are the best products?

This is where the ability to quickly and nimbly modify the order of products in order to meet business objectives comes in. This does not mean ordering products by best sellers or most viewed products or recently launched products or products with the best discounts or the best ratings.

As we have already seen, these basic criteria fall short when it comes to providing the best products to the customer and offering ways to align the store’s commercial strategies.

Scenarios and Use Cases

Let’s look at some scenarios and use cases:

– Increased conversion rate

This is one of the most important objectives of eCommerce stores, because after making all the effort to have the products and promote them to attract users, the goal is to finally get them to end up finding something of interest and make a purchase.

Performing a category-level sorting that takes into account the sales potential of the product, will greatly help to achieve an increase in the conversion rate.

– Increased sales

In this case, the combination of the products with the highest sales potential, the price of the product and the availability of inventory, are a good combination to maximize sales.

– Profitability of the store

The ordering of the products in the category, taking into account the most profitable or higher margin products in the first positions, will end up generating higher sales of these products and therefore a higher profitability of the business.

– Promotions season

By ordering products with a combination of better discounted products, higher inventory and lower prices, results in more effective sales of the promotional products.

– Launch of products or collection

Sorting the product table by date of creation and by model or reference, will make the store display in a better way the launching products and each product line can be seen in an organized way, making the user have a better shopping experience and facilitating the decision making at the time of purchase.

– Brand Sorting

Organize the products by Brand so that the first products of each brand that you want to highlight are seen in the first positions.

– Inventory management or liquidation

Ordenar los productos según sea la necesidad de manejo de inventario.

Caso 1, Liquidar los pocos productos de colección vieja pues llega la nueva.

Caso 2, Darle movimiento a productos con mucho inventario.

Vemos así algunos de los casos de uso con los cuales se puede sacarle mejorar la gestión y los resultados de las tiendas online.

How to do it in an efficient way?

Para realizar este tipo de ordenamientos necesitamos de herramientas que nos permitan jugar con los diferentes criterios de forma fácil y rápida, para que se pueda modificar el orden en que se presentan los productos dependiendo del escenario y la dinámica comercial de la tienda.

SmartMan.AI es una de estas alternativas, visita para conocer más o regístrate GRATIS para probarlo en tu tienda y empezar a obtener los beneficios.

Resultados que se ven

Organiza las vitrinas de producto de acuerdo a tus preferencias.

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